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On this road to being published and/or optioned, I am just plugging away, working on two novel projects in the moment and revising that paranormal mystery.  The road to being published seems far though I hopefully not too far ahead.  I’m 41 years old and I wonder “when will it happen to me?”  Logically, I know the response to that question but the process of writing drafts, writing and perfecting query letters to send to agents seems long and at times tedious.   In the meantime, life is happening and time is flying. 

I then see fellow writers getting themselves published electronically on sites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble through self-publishing sources like Smashwords.  So now their ebooks will be available for download.  Is self-publishing the new way to go?  Publishing is evolving and demand for ebooks is growing.  

Either way, I need to continue cranking to finish those projects so I can get them out there, in front of people. 

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